Since being founded in 1975, Euclid Telecome has evolved into a full-service communication equipment vendor. We pride ourselves on top-notch service and have earned the loyalty of our customers for decades.
We're proud that much of our business is done through word-of-mouth sales and repeat customers. Our customers believe in us and the level of service we provide. We provide fair and realistic quotes upfront, and we leave the "nickel-and-dime" approach to others. Our customers know that when they call us for support, we already know who they are how their business operates.
Euclid Telecom has been serving North Central WV since the mid 1970's. The company was founded by a group of college students working evenings and weekends installing paging, sound, and intercom systems. The present and sole owner was one of those founders. Over the next five decades, Euclid Telecom has grown into a full-service solution for the needs of any company, large or small.